Jennifer Miles

RCP, Associate Director

Jennifer Miles

Jennifer is a highly experienced project and development management executive, with extensive knowledge of the built environment and construction industry, in the UK, Europe, India, Australia and New Zealand.

She is a certified architect with 24 years of valuable expertise through the complete lifecycle of private and social infrastructure from strategic analysis advisory, project briefing, design strategies through to post occupancy evaluation, ensuring project benefits are realized.

The core of her aim is to bring the best thinking from around the world into procuring commercial and social infrastructure. Her vision is to develop the interface between the human experience and the built environment response.

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Cities as engineered ecosystems

Viewing cities through an ecosystem lens provides useful metaphors and practices.

Preserving and restoring green spaces, enhancing biodiversity, mimicking natural processes, and equitably distributing ecosystem benefits are all key factors for creating sustainable, resilient, and livable urban environments.

The Symphony Centre Development has successfully incorporated ecological and biomimicry principles into urban design and architectural planning. By linking public spaces through green laneways and fostering social interaction and community cohesion - it not only promotes growth and the evolution of existing developments - it achieves urban harmony and realises a vision for the future of Aotearoa’s cities.

The history of the land’s stream is mirrored in the flow of people moving through underground City Rail Link tunnels and overground laneways. Seamless weaving of the Poutama design of the Te Waihorotiu Station, connects to the building façade of the The Symphony Centre - a 21-storey vertical village. The upcycle of heritage listed Bledisloe House is a preservation of the past, whilst the intersecting laneway ‘The Lanes’, will yield a new civic space.

The former thriving village will once again be filled with people enjoying this revived inner-city destination.

3 key takeaways:

  • Build it and they will stay – A human-centred approach is key to a successful landmark development. A well curated cultural centre will become an iconic landmark, reflecting the city’s unique character, and serve as a source of civic pride.
  • Urban design and transport links are critical for creating well-connected, accessible, and sustainable communities.
  • Placemaking and live ability – treating streets as positive shared spaces rather than just transport corridors creates vibrant, people- friendly environments.
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