Kate Horton

TwentyTwo, Principal | Practice Lead: Strategy22

Kate Horton

Kate is a highly regarded strategist, facilitator, researcher and advisor who is passionate about bringing people together to create positive change. With over 17 years of experience, Kate has led nationwide property and workplace strategies, research initiatives and strategic transformation projects across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Her expertise is in high demand, demonstrated by repeat commissions from NZ Police, the Ministry of Justice, and Kāinga Ora. Kate excels in managing complex projects, coordinating multidisciplinary teams and engaging with executives and communities to envision people-centered solutions.

Joining TwentyTwo in early 2024, Kate continues to drive impactful change from Tāmaki Makaurau. In her free time, she enjoys sailing in the Hauraki Gulf with her family, including two spirited teenagers.

Kate Horton

When we think about 'place' and 'place-making' in Aotearoa, we need to be much bolder and more ambitious, with an eye to the future we want to create. And this got us thinking...Could 'Blue Zones' be the key to unlocking our potential as a nation?

Inspired by Dan Buettner's work 'Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones', we explore how we might shape our environments based on the insights learned from those habitats that nurture the longest living people on earth.

As part of the discussion we will cover:

  • The workscape as it stands now and why our thinking needs to change.
  • We will challenge traditional location drivers and propose a new set that are centred on people and communities
  • What does a lasting legacy look like in our communities?
  • The benefits of investing in the regions, including the creation of a more evenly dispersed innovation economy
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